using System; namespace antblazorpro { public static class DateTimeExtension { private const int Second = 1; private const int Minute = 60 * Second; private const int Hour = 60 * Minute; private const int Day = 24 * Hour; private const int Month = 30 * Day; // todo: Need to be localized public static string ToFriendlyDisplay(this DateTime dateTime) { var ts = DateTime.Now - dateTime; var delta = ts.TotalSeconds; if (delta < 0) { return "not yet"; } if (delta < 1 * Minute) { return ts.Seconds == 1 ? "1 second ago" : ts.Seconds + " seconds ago"; } if (delta < 2 * Minute) { return "1 minute ago"; } if (delta < 45 * Minute) { return ts.Minutes + "minute"; } if (delta < 90 * Minute) { return "1 hour ago"; } if (delta < 24 * Hour) { return ts.Hours + " hours ago"; } if (delta < 48 * Hour) { return "yesterday"; } if (delta < 30 * Day) { return ts.Days + " days ago"; } if (delta < 12 * Month) { var months = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((double)ts.Days / 30)); return months <= 1 ? "A month ago" : months + " months ago"; } else { var years = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((double)ts.Days / 365)); return years <= 1 ? "a year ago" : years + " years ago"; } } } }