2024-06-25 14:15:07 +08:00

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# This is a sample Python script.
# Press ⌃R to execute it or replace it with your code.
# Press Double ⇧ to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings.
import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import fft2, fftshift
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def print_hi(name):
# Use a breakpoint in the code line below to debug your script.
print(f'Hi, {name}') # Press ⌘F8 to toggle the breakpoint.
def encode_watermark_to_binary(watermark_sequence):
binary_sequence = []
for number in watermark_sequence:
# 初始化一个100位全为'0'的二进制字符串
binary_100_bit = ['0'] * 100
# 在数字对应的位置设置'1'
if 0 <= number < 100:
binary_100_bit[number-1] = '1'
# 连接这些位形成一个100位的二进制字符串
return binary_sequence
def process_image_b_component(image_path):
:param image_path: 输入图像的路径。
:return: 移位后DFT的幅度矩阵。
# 使用合适的库加载图像例如PIL, OpenCV
# 这里我们会加载图像并提取B通道
# 作为演示我们将创建一个假的256x256 B通道矩阵
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
# 检查图像是否成功加载
if image is None:
raise ValueError("无法加载图像,请检查路径是否正确。")
# 确保图像的大小是256x256
image_resized = cv2.resize(image, (256, 256))
# 提取B通道
b_channel = image_resized[:, :, 0]
# 对B通道矩阵执行DFT
dft_result = fft2(b_channel)
# 将零频率分量移动到频谱的中心
dft_shifted = fftshift(dft_result)
# 获取移位后DFT的幅度
magnitude = np.abs(dft_shifted)
return magnitude
def decode_binary_to_watermark(binary_sequence):
Decode the binary sequence back into the original array of numbers.
:param binary_sequence: A list of 100-bit strings representing the binary codes.
:return: The original array of numbers.
original_numbers = []
for binary_code in binary_sequence:
if '1' in binary_code:
# Find the index of '1' and convert it back to the original number
position = binary_code.index('1') + 1 # Add 1 because the index starts at 0
original_number = position
return original_numbers
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print_hi('PyCharm')
watermark_sequence = [12, 34, 56, 44, 90, 55, 34, 56]
result = encode_watermark_to_binary(watermark_sequence)
# # 打印编码后的二进制序列
# for binary in result:
# print(binary)
watermark_sequence = decode_binary_to_watermark(result)
# See PyCharm help at